My 10 cent thought of the day - 15june

Students nowadays are very narrow minded. I don't know about olden days because Im now living in the 21st century.

They are ridiculously funny,silly,nimrods. They even count little stuffs. They are ants. Hardworking. But on complaints. Do they even care to search for the answer themselves? No, they just rely on others to get the right info for them TO COMPLAINT !!

It seem that the way student being spoon-fed is so successful that up until now there are still people that rely on being fed on info that they suppose to know.

I cannot say much because of my position. The things i say is gonna create controversial actions/behaviors.

Why leaders should voice out something they hate so much in the people that he/she rule? In my POV, this is because he/she was being selected or rather volunteer him/her-self in this situation. They are the people that serve other and hence no complaints of others complaints should be voice out. BUt still they should rather educate them into not doing so in the future.

This is equally difficult task because human that are one-kind seem to be stubborn and hard to change for better.

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