Nov's Diet Plan


Ditch the Cancer Sticks
Smokers tend to carry more abdominal fat, since the unhealthy activity is usually accompanied by other bad belly habits, like alcohol intake and poor diet choices, according to a study.

Keep Peanut Butter on Your Diet
One serving of peanut butter has 2 g of fiber and 8 g of protein, on top of belly-busting MUFAs. Try this easy recipe to add a flat belly punch to dinner: Toss a half-cup of whole grain noodles with 3 ounces cooked shrimp, minced scallions, and 1/4 cup sliced red bell pepper. Dress with a mixture of 2 tablespoons peanut butter, 2 tablespoons warm water, and a pinch of crushed red pepper flakes.

Punch Your Way to a Flat Stomach
Take your workout indoors with boxing. Aerobic kickboxing is more than just a great belly-fat-burning, cardio workout. All those arm thrusts and high kicks firm abs, too.

Sculpt While You Sit
While you’re driving, sitting, or just waiting at the doctor’s office, imagine there’s gum or wet paint on the back of your chair so you have to hold yourself up instead of leaning back. Keep shoulder blades down and back, abdominals lifted, and picture yourself knitting your rib cage together and in. 

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