
I missed hanging out with my god brother Andus.

I miss hanging in Coffee Bean with him.

I miss laughing with him.

I miss not just him but also the others.

I miss messing with Shampoo's car.

I miss the scent of Shampoo's car.

I miss how can they appeared in front of my doorstep once I started to whine on how bored I was. 

From left : Andus,me,engineering dude, KT

I gonna continue missing Andus for god-knows-how-long. 

I so wanted to go swiss and find him. 

I so wanna go Australia to find him. 

But I can't. 

The bright clothes dude is Mr.Papaya dentist and next to him is Mr.Shampoo (his gay partner apparently) *chuckled*

I'm still missing hanging out with you guys. 

For movie, for FOOD, for mamak,for coffee bean,for mcD, for crap... etc... 

Even though I'm the new comer to the group but I love hanging out with you guys. All of you make me feel safe. 

*Photos taken before Andus left for swiss and Shampoo to Australia*

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