Artistry Basic beauty workshop

Me enrolled in Artistry Basic Beauty Workshop a few weeks back. Mum asked me to join because I would eventually need all these when I started working next time.

This class taught us
1. Basic cleansing,Masque,Toner & moisturize
2. Eye brow shaping
3.Make up essential ; the Do's & Dont's
4. Make up Techniques
5. The product knowledge.

With all these, you only need to pay for RM50 if you already own the product or add another small fee to borrow the stuff from them. I think it was worth it. You learn the basic 1st before anything more complicated like the saying " You need to learn how to walk before you run." :)

Bought this piece of mirror for the workshop in Ikea and I'm lovin it !!!

Waiting for their masque to get dry and wash away...

Water.. The essential for facial steps.

Even guys joined the workshop. :D

My face... masqued!! Hehe~

Stuff I borrowed from them... Thanks Miao Fang.

They even provide Tea break. Not bad huh???

The emcee of the day...

Look at my un-trimmed brow at the left and the trimmed brow at the right.. Big difference huh??

After the workshop photo!! :D Thanks to all the sifu !!

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