April Diet Plan

I actually just posted this out but i never do any of it other than eating.. 

I hope i can do it while im back in KL though. 
Anyway for April, I should be doing all these..


Eat More Eggs 
Put those dyed eggs to use! Eating eggs is a low-cost way to incorporate belly fat-fighting protein into your diet. Studies show those who ate two eggs for breakfast lost 65% more weight than those who opted for a carby bagel, so start your day with a MUFA-packed scramble or take a hard boiled egg for a slimming midday snack.

Tend To Your Garden
A good reason to pull out those weeds: The bending, lifting, digging, and pulling you do while gardening forces you to engage, contract, and twist your abdominals, all elements of a really good ab workout.

Cut Back on the Pretzels
Too much salt will make you retain more fluid, which contributes to a puffy appearance and extra water weight.

Fry Fat with the Boat Move
Target your deepest ab muscles with The Boat: Lie face up on a mat with arms straight up over chest. Lift your upper body off the ground by rolling through the spine. At the same time, raise your legs so that you’re balancing on your butt, knees bent and shins parallel to the ground. Slowly roll back down onto the mat, lowering legs. That’s 1 rep. Do 5 reps per set, resting 30 to 60 seconds between sets. 

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