7-11 in Manila

I always love convenience shop. 
One of my favourite is 7-11. 
They seems to have everything and anything. 
From foods to magazines to household products. 

Passed by lots of 7-11 in Manila and look what I found?!

Look at below, what do you think this is??

This is a charging machine that you just slot in coins and then you get to charge your phones, cameras, Iphones, Tabs and so on.. 
It is so convenient that I wonder why we don't have this in Malaysia ? 
I would give such a huge convenient to customers especially travellers like me. 

Then they have this chocolate machine that have HERSHEY's melted chocolate drinks!!! 
This is awesome!! And also a cheaper way to cure your crave for chocolate!! 

Then they also sell delicious buns in the store. 
I bought the Bacon & cheese bun that cost me only 20 pesos which means less than RM2 . 
I felt satisfied already. 
After eating that for a snack. 

I see Condoms! 
Their local brand -> TRUST 
Malaysia brand apa sudah ah?

Another local brand condom- PREMIERE
I forgotten to look at the price. 
Perhaps you can tell me?!

Then i drank this Green Tea with Lychee flavor and aloe vera. 
It was tasty! 
I drink it when I was eating Balut anyway. The video still with Janice. 
This reminds me to get it from her very soon. 

Yes! You heard me right. I ate BALUT in Manila !! 
Another awesome thing is I got that BALUT from 7-11 !! Woah~~~ 
Why our 7-11 never sell like Ulat Sago, Montoku, Liheng or Tapai ??? 
We should start promoting our local product wei !! 

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