KLCC Trip !!!
I and other 42 more librarian and also 2 teacher plus a school librarian kak aniza went to KLCC for their famous Aquaria & Twin tower Sky bridge!!!! My main aim was to their sky Bridge!! My dream come true!! No lengthy words this time!! just photos!!
My prefect excited look!! hehe.. sky bridge here i come!!
Gee... me and ee vern !!
It will be better view if we gone at night !!
the sky bridge walkway ...
Souvenir ...
oOps.. sorry!! No more tix to sky bridge
My height compare to twin tower!!
Us!! b4 going up to that stupid theater and sky bridge..
Jumping shot again!!!
I'm walking to the other side!!! and pleak!!! i just notice that it was a fake poster walk !! haha~
Feel like she can walk right to the other side right??? fake one la!! it was a poster!!
Can u see she is holding it?? it was actually a poster in Aquaria!!
The 2 lil girl and me!!
Me and the mOo...~
My backside and myc !! haha~
Cheeky girl taking photos!! hui min & mua!!
Jump shot!! with my poor phone's camera!! swt !!
The jump !! copy cat smashPoP lo... hehe..
Just cam whoring!!
Scary look ?? me and felicia in KL convention Centre's toilet while waiting for mei yoong!!!
Haha~ another funny photo!! Giant hand hit her!! oucH!!
Trying to copy the way sony ericson's adv did but failed i guess!!
The bus full of people!!!
Min des!!! sitting on the floor of the bus!! kesian!! no place for her to sit !!
This is mei yoong after 60years without TeeTh !!! hehe~
Hui min sleeping.. shhh....
Just got down from the bus and I can't resist on not taking photo with Kak Aniza bcoz it was so rare that she wears nice clothes!!! (she is my school librarian)