Spark ! Shattering Notions
I got to know about this contest from my MUET teacher. Hmm.. Well basically what you need to do is to Log into Spark and 1st register yourself and then create a blog and answer a serial of questions. 3rdly, you will need to print our the so-call passport(which is actually 3 piece of personal details and so on) and get ur parents signature and your school principal signature and then scan and send it to them thru their mail or fax it to them.
Voila!! You'll then be in contest nationwide for the 60 youth camp. It's actually free!! free!! meaning you need not to pay for that!!! so why not join???? As long as you are as loud as me and age between 17-19 y/o. Give it a try!! You might be the lucky one. I hope I am though... hehe~
To answer the question!!
1. Your 'alter ego' ?
Hmm.. Thought about this quite a while and also asked my teacher about the meaning because I'm not the usual very-good-in-english-type of student. Phew.. Lucky I have the reliable online dictionary. Anyway talking about my alter ego. I would say that it got to be a quiet me. Most people don't get the chance to know my quiet side because I am usually super noisy and happy!! Of course In front of the world I must be ..
Because i believe that even you had the most awful day , yet you need to live in it so why not make others life a bit less miserable since yours already not-that-perfect??? The quiet me usually comes to me when I'm alone. I guess most people have their quiet moment. I just choose not to show this side of me to most people.
2. What makes you,you?
Me!! Me makes me, me.. haha..complicated huh?? To tell you the truth, I'm actually made up of 4 element which are Water, Earth, Air, Fire. Why do i say so??
Fire represent me as fighter and also a passionate person. I'm outgoing,dare to be different,adventurous,energetic and the list goes on. All the qualities are stated can be represented as the red blazing fire!!
Air because I LOVE travel especially by air!!! I also love the morning fresh smell.. Which I can't seem to get enough,the last time I went to Cameron Highland. Totally in-love with the freshness I get there.
As for Earth, Of course I'm also a down-to-earth kinda person. I can mix with any random person easily. I can even ask random question from random people. I have strong common sense will act according to situation but sometimes I'm also kinda stubborn. I'm a pretty honest person which sometimes I hurt someone else's feeling that I'm so sorry about. I slowly learn that being straightforward isn't necessary a good thing. Sigh..
Water because I'm also easily touched and can shed a tear to a simple touching moment or picture or video or anything that practically touch me. I'm kinda fragile when it comes to a sad type of movie. I can sob like nobody's business. Other than this, I also enjoy swimming which add to the element that make me, me!!
3. What color represents you and why?
This is a tough one.I was thinking of Black but nah!! The best color to represent is non other than Orange!! (sorry winney stole ur favorite color) Orange represent the loud and always cheerful me!! The tangy-ness of orange color voice out that I'm a daring and adventurous person.
4. What is your creative talent? How do you best express yourself? Can you show us an example?
The easiest question ever!!! My talent will be talking non-stop!!! haha~ seriously I think I can talk non-stop as in forever talking. That's why I don't understand how those SUPER QUIET people live??? And since My talent is non-stop talking of course thru talking that I best express myself so if you really want me to show you then you will need to invite me to the camp and then we shall talk non-stop!! hehe~ Cool huh?? :)
5. Your Best day Ever! (WHY?)
This sounds like an essay question i did long time ago. My best day ever, hmm.. I guess for me everyday is the best. Because everyday i do a different thing to make myself and others happy. So EVERYDAY is the BEST DAY !!!
6. If you were walking down the street and found RM50, what would you do with it?
Seriously why this question?? If I'm walking down the street and found RM50, I will.. i will.. take the money and buy me all the ingredient for making bread and then go back home and start making them. After finish packing, I'll sell the bread and then earn more than RM50. I will then take the rest of the earning and continue with anything I want and return the RM50 to either the police station or any charity.
7. Tell us in 300 words or less something in life that you are passionate about, why and how you plan to pursue your passion. Include pictures or videos if you like.
I think I am really passionate about food. I love food especially good food. I wish that I can be a food journalist or reviewer. Basically Malaysian Loves food ! But whenever i saw someone wasting food I will start thinking of there are people outside there that did not have anything to eat. Hence I will pursue my studies in anything that can make me a journalist. I can then be enjoying my passion in food and also write stuff to create an awareness of not wasting food. I really wish that i can help all those poor hungry people.

By being a journalist, I can influence people or the public easily. Media is the main mass of reaching to people in the shortest and easiest way. People read, watch and listen to news everyday and everywhere hence it will be easy for me to be a journalist and also being able to convey my message across even more effectively.

8. Where do you see yourself in 15 years?
I'll be 34 y/o by then.. By 34 I would like to have a car, a house and my mum & grandma still living happily. I'm not sure whether am i going to be marry or not, but as my mum says I will eventually think of marriage. Well, I can't say anything so fast yet. And in 15 years more I can see myself as a restaurant owner and also a part time journalist. I will introduce new menu every 3 months. I will be attracting not only locals but also being known at least by neighbour country. I will be able to travel as I like at least twice a year. I will also be joining world vision in order to fight poverty. I will be sponsoring to at least 2 children when I'm 34 y/o. I will of course be able to join fitness centre by my own cost and possibly be the slim and pretty aunty. :)
Voila!! You'll then be in contest nationwide for the 60 youth camp. It's actually free!! free!! meaning you need not to pay for that!!! so why not join???? As long as you are as loud as me and age between 17-19 y/o. Give it a try!! You might be the lucky one. I hope I am though... hehe~
To answer the question!!
1. Your 'alter ego' ?
Hmm.. Thought about this quite a while and also asked my teacher about the meaning because I'm not the usual very-good-in-english-type of student. Phew.. Lucky I have the reliable online dictionary. Anyway talking about my alter ego. I would say that it got to be a quiet me. Most people don't get the chance to know my quiet side because I am usually super noisy and happy!! Of course In front of the world I must be ..
Because i believe that even you had the most awful day , yet you need to live in it so why not make others life a bit less miserable since yours already not-that-perfect??? The quiet me usually comes to me when I'm alone. I guess most people have their quiet moment. I just choose not to show this side of me to most people.
2. What makes you,you?
Me!! Me makes me, me.. haha..complicated huh?? To tell you the truth, I'm actually made up of 4 element which are Water, Earth, Air, Fire. Why do i say so??
Fire represent me as fighter and also a passionate person. I'm outgoing,dare to be different,adventurous,energetic and the list goes on. All the qualities are stated can be represented as the red blazing fire!!
Air because I LOVE travel especially by air!!! I also love the morning fresh smell.. Which I can't seem to get enough,the last time I went to Cameron Highland. Totally in-love with the freshness I get there.
As for Earth, Of course I'm also a down-to-earth kinda person. I can mix with any random person easily. I can even ask random question from random people. I have strong common sense will act according to situation but sometimes I'm also kinda stubborn. I'm a pretty honest person which sometimes I hurt someone else's feeling that I'm so sorry about. I slowly learn that being straightforward isn't necessary a good thing. Sigh..
Water because I'm also easily touched and can shed a tear to a simple touching moment or picture or video or anything that practically touch me. I'm kinda fragile when it comes to a sad type of movie. I can sob like nobody's business. Other than this, I also enjoy swimming which add to the element that make me, me!!
3. What color represents you and why?
This is a tough one.I was thinking of Black but nah!! The best color to represent is non other than Orange!! (sorry winney stole ur favorite color) Orange represent the loud and always cheerful me!! The tangy-ness of orange color voice out that I'm a daring and adventurous person.
4. What is your creative talent? How do you best express yourself? Can you show us an example?
The easiest question ever!!! My talent will be talking non-stop!!! haha~ seriously I think I can talk non-stop as in forever talking. That's why I don't understand how those SUPER QUIET people live??? And since My talent is non-stop talking of course thru talking that I best express myself so if you really want me to show you then you will need to invite me to the camp and then we shall talk non-stop!! hehe~ Cool huh?? :)
5. Your Best day Ever! (WHY?)
This sounds like an essay question i did long time ago. My best day ever, hmm.. I guess for me everyday is the best. Because everyday i do a different thing to make myself and others happy. So EVERYDAY is the BEST DAY !!!
6. If you were walking down the street and found RM50, what would you do with it?
Seriously why this question?? If I'm walking down the street and found RM50, I will.. i will.. take the money and buy me all the ingredient for making bread and then go back home and start making them. After finish packing, I'll sell the bread and then earn more than RM50. I will then take the rest of the earning and continue with anything I want and return the RM50 to either the police station or any charity.
7. Tell us in 300 words or less something in life that you are passionate about, why and how you plan to pursue your passion. Include pictures or videos if you like.
I think I am really passionate about food. I love food especially good food. I wish that I can be a food journalist or reviewer. Basically Malaysian Loves food ! But whenever i saw someone wasting food I will start thinking of there are people outside there that did not have anything to eat. Hence I will pursue my studies in anything that can make me a journalist. I can then be enjoying my passion in food and also write stuff to create an awareness of not wasting food. I really wish that i can help all those poor hungry people.

By being a journalist, I can influence people or the public easily. Media is the main mass of reaching to people in the shortest and easiest way. People read, watch and listen to news everyday and everywhere hence it will be easy for me to be a journalist and also being able to convey my message across even more effectively.

I'll be 34 y/o by then.. By 34 I would like to have a car, a house and my mum & grandma still living happily. I'm not sure whether am i going to be marry or not, but as my mum says I will eventually think of marriage. Well, I can't say anything so fast yet. And in 15 years more I can see myself as a restaurant owner and also a part time journalist. I will introduce new menu every 3 months. I will be attracting not only locals but also being known at least by neighbour country. I will be able to travel as I like at least twice a year. I will also be joining world vision in order to fight poverty. I will be sponsoring to at least 2 children when I'm 34 y/o. I will of course be able to join fitness centre by my own cost and possibly be the slim and pretty aunty. :)