June Diet Plan

June's Diet plan.....


Drink Moo Juice
Salute National Dairy Month with a glass of milk: Increasing your dairy intake in combination with exercise will help you lose more abdominal fat, according to a study by McMaster University in Canada.

Work Your Entire Core 
Lie on the floor, face down, and support your upper body on your elbows, forearms, and hands. Slowly lift the rest of your body off the floor until you're on your toes. Keeping your body straight, hold for as long as is comfortable, then slowly lower and relax. Repeat as many times as possible until fatigued.

Get on the Wagon
That glass of wine with every meal may be part of the reason your jeans are too tight. Alcohol intake is known to raise cortisol levels, sending fat straight to your belly.

Take Your Workout Under Water
Swimming is a great form of belly-fat-busting aerobic exercise. Try the freestyle stroke—the natural twisting cinches your waist while frequent breathing makes your abdominal muscles work even harder. 

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