Oct's Diet Plan


Sweep Away Fat
Grab a rake or broom and turn those pesky fallen leaves into a workout. The back-and-forth motion of sweeping or raking is a great ab toner. And don't forget the dustpan: Exhaling while bending over makes your abs work even harder.

Munch Macadamia Nuts
These nuts contain a fat-fighting combination of MUFAs and fiber, a double-whammy to your belly fat. Use them as breading for a comforting fall meal: Crush 2 tablespoons macadamia nuts. Dip one 3-ounce portion of chicken breast or 4-ounce piece of fish in low-fat milk, then press nuts to adhere. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-20 minutes or until done.

Strengthen Your Back for a Sleeker Core
To stand tall and protect your abdominals, you need to strengthen the muscles that support your spine. Lie on your stomach with a rolled towel under your forehead. Clasp your hands behind your waist and slowly lift your head and shoulders off the floor, pinching the shoulder blades together. Only go as far as comfortable. Hold, then release.

Spread Yourself Thin
Try spreading olive tapenade—rich in MUFAs—on your next sandwich for a boost of belly-fat-fighting power. 

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