Dinner at Richard's @ Inderawasih, Butterworth
It was only 2 of us for dinner. Me and my granny. Hence I decided to drive my granny for a western night since she love western foods.
It was only then i realized in Main land Penang, don't have many nice western restaurant. Argghh..
In the end, i remember this place that i used to go when i was really young. The Richard's western food. Back then, they were featured in the local paper. They were really famous back then when there were still very lil western eatery around.
Me and my lovely granny.
She was the one who raised me up when my parents were busy working and such. I grew so fond of her that i didn't want to move away from her when i was younger.
I ordered this Foot long sausage.
And it doesnt taste nice.
I was expecting Bratwurst of something like that, but turned out that they only serve the usual packaged sausages. Disappointing.
And the funny part is, since they already gave me mashed potato then why do they still give me the fries??
That's not the way to combine both together. It's just so wrong.
I ordered the lamb for my granny.
According to her, there was nothing special in it. Just another dish.
Well, forgotten to tell you guys that my granny had been to lots of western eatery in Mainland and she can tell whether that food is nice or not..
I ordered their oxtail soup.
Well, this luckily was still on the par.
It was great!! With real meat and cooked to perfection. Thanks for the wonderful soup. I love this. :)