Lemang Bakar session 2012 @ Banting

Never in my life i bakar lemang before. 
Lemang in buluh means glutinous rice in santan put into bamboo. 

This is a traditional delicacy for the Malay in Malaysia. This delicacy is especially important during the Aidilfitri season. 

I was invited to this lemang bakar by my colleague. Then I say Yes! the next day since i always wanted to see how is this tradition being carried out. 

Reach my friend's place after Ishak (around 9pm). And they already started the fire. 

So now i gonna intro the way to make a standard lemang bakar. 

1st Step : You need to get the bamboo (buluh). People nowadays buy from the pak cik (Uncle) in the village 

 2nd Step : You need to clean the Buluh using your own way. In our case, we used a cloth to wrap around the wooden stick for cleaning the buluh.

 Step 3 : Use clean banana leaf as the pembalut (wrapper) of the lemang. You roll it up using the help of a thin stick from the centre of banana leaf.

Step 4 : you put in the rolled banana lead into the buluh. Slowly. If it got stuck or loosen then push it in using anti-clockwise. 

Step 5 : pour in some santan (coconut milk) into the buluh. This is for the moisture from the bottom. 

Step 6 : Put in glutinous rice into the buluh. The rice need to be washed first.  

Step 7 : Put till 70% full. Then you pour in the santan till 90% full.

 Posing for the photo~~

 Making it together!!

Step 8 : All done! And ready to transport it to the Lemang bakar site.

Step 9 : last inspection before putting it to the fire. You can't put too lil santan or else it will turned out dry. 

Step 10 : Bakar lemang !! The hottest session of all. And need constant taking care of. 

While we were waiting for the lemang, He bakar satay (satay is a malaysian food made up of beef, chicken or other meat and being poke into a stick and BBQ)/.

Pelita to light up the atmosphere. :)

Some snacks & drinks while waiting for the lemang bakar. 

Fire works to cheer up the atmosphere. 

At last we are done. 
The first done lemang bakar. Not to perfection but it was hard work-friendship and gotong-royong (meaning doing something together).

The boys that are organizing this!! 
Thanks guys for inviting me! 
Thanks Kak min for fetching me and letting me sleepover. 

Wonderful time. 
Hope that you guys invite me again next year. 

And Eid Mubarak to everyone~ 

Selamat Aidilfitri to all my friends and colleagues~

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