Urbanscapes 2012 P3

Oh ya, I haven't told you about why I even get to go urbanscapes.
Wanting to drop by this event since I knew about it like during high school. When they had in KLpac. But the timing always clash with my schedule. Last year however I had the time but not the money as I didn't know the ticket price was so expensive!!
For a fresh graduate going in a holiday mode, I don't have enough to spend on the event ticket.
So instead of buying the ticket, I try ti source for work inside the event itself. At least I will get to go the event.

Meet awesome colleagues all thanks to Calista Liew for introducing me this job. The pay was normal but I get free hotdogs and drinks! That's a plus point that I don't need to pay for food. But I do need to pay for parking of RM5 per day.

Had fun chatting and playing with colleagues and yes, not to be forgotten will be the paintball guys! They let us play for like a few rounds. Then we have a strict but playful boss. New experience of working with her. Then we have the Mr.DJ in the houseeeee.... He is witty and good looking. Then the mascot blue man for you to paint.

My job was pretty easy. Just encourage people to paint the blue man, put down their contact details with us, then get to play paint ball arts for free inclusive of free hotdogs!! Isn't awesome to giveaway free stuffs?! Find it hard to believe when people don't want freebies and free paintball art sessions.

Towards the end of both days, I get to tapao back some hotdogs too. Not bad for working there, with wages and tons of freebies. I get to go a few other booth to collect freebies too. They have the code 10 booth, the malboro booth, the Levi's booth, ecoknights, ecocentric which are people that i met during the eco event in UM, then Heineken, air Asia booth for free popcorns, and many many more.

Not to forget, the last night of the event they have a huge concert with Sheila Masjid(all time favourite), Yuna, sigur-rus that I don't even know who they are. Guess my music sense was not and still not that diverse. Note to self: need to buck up.

Basically I have fun for that 2days event. And I would very much wanna go again for Urbanscapes 2013.

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