Today 6/1/09

Oh well.. another day in work. I just received a call from the other PR Company that I was hoping I can work in. Karen called me and asked me to go for an interview.

Well, the thing is I'm working with ... now so I can't just leave the company without any reason and also I'm not sure will I pass thru the interview. Hance my conclusion now is I will sign the contract with ... . If I happen to pass thru the interview, then I shall let the new Company know that I'm currently engaged in another company and I will only start work in February. Sound good huh?? I know.

Anyway Thanks Alice, I will make myself happy.

Ah.. Talking about work. Well Sim, my colleague know I have a BLOG. And i think he don't like people doing the same old blog process meaning

1st you sign up as a blogger
2nd you either blog about urself or FOOD(a typical blog topic to him)
3rd you either put photos of foods or event

He actually asked me to try something different from the conventional type of blogger. Ah-hah!! Now what is conventional type? And what is different?

He took KY for instead. Although KY is a Flogger BUT in every food post he has he will personally draw a map onto it. Now that for SIM was being creative and cute.

Now, how am i suppose to be creative?? Hmm... Seriously I need to korek-korek my brain to look for creativity because 2 days in work already making my brain ROT! Sad and also pitiful. Anyway That's all for now.

In case you are wondering where are the colourful photos post I had last time, well I sort of lazy to post it so I shall do it in the weekends. Bye friend.

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