Fu Yuan Bread @ Damai

Tn.Jackz brought me to Damai for the famous Fu Yuan Bread the other day. 

He was surprised that I haven't tried it yet. 

It was packed when we arrived there around lunch time. But we managed to get ourselves a seat. 

It was packed with students, office lads, and some other people like us just to have their bread. 

Seriously I didn't understand why my friends keep on telling me how good the bread was until i bite into one. 

That moment when i sank my teeth in the bread, all the goodness comes out. 

It was the best bread i had ever had in my life. That serious.. 

It was superbly soft and with the frozen butter and home made kaya. It was heavenly. ^^

seriously one must eat it to understand the goodness of it. The bread and their Teh C Kosong was superb!! 

Must try for those who come sabah. ^^

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