Reality and dream going together

People says reality kill dreams.
People says growing up kill dreams.
People says your environment kill dreams.

I had a dream.
I have a job.
Its all mundane and well scheduled.
Everyday u do the same thing, meet the same people, deal with same thing.

Its somehow tiring.
Some people says its good to have a steady life.
Some people says its good to have steady pay.
Some people says its good to step on the career path sooner.

I had a dream.
To be free. To be interesting.
To work whenever I go.
To help others.
To build my own little cottage.

Now that its tiring.
My dream start to grow smaller.
My dream seems to be only dream and not goal.
My dream seems to be impossible.

Now I wonder..
Does everyone started to be like me?
Then eventually slow down?
And they somehow forgotten their dreams?
Or think that its impossible for them to achieve?

Everyone grow old. But growing up is optional.
Read an article, it wrote that growing up is building urself from the inside. To nourish your life. To fully satisfy your needs and dream.

I cannot let reality takes me in.
Reality cannot kill my dream.
I need to jump out of this circle and be the one I wanted to.

But what must I do?

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