Slim down?

Taken from somewhere online..

Your body loses a pound of fat whenever you burn 3500 more calories than you eat. You can make that happen quickly by exercising a lot and not eating very much, but it's really hard and unhealthy. Also, you have no control over where the fat comes off. The way your body deposits fat is genetic and when you burn the fat it tends to come off of your entire body evenly, not all from one spot.

Okay, you lose weight, but not fat, because you are losing bone density or muscle mass. . .or water weight.

Here, I will do you a favor and tell you exactly how to sculpt your body. This information is completely accurate.

1) Eat a large, healthy breakfast right after you wake up. Whether you feel like it or not you have to get some fiber and protien into your stomach at the beginning of the day to keep your metabolism even. Eating early will keep you from eating late and the calories you eat in the morning will burn off during the day while the calories you eat at dinner will turn into fat over night.

2) Find a cardio activity you enjoy and set yourself a goal. For example, running five miles without stopping, or biking 10 miles, or swimming a million laps, or whatever. Make the activity about improving yourself, not about grinding out a certain number of calories. Then train towards you goal 2 to 3 times a week. Notice I didn't say to burn a certain number of calories. Your body will tell you when you've done enough and as you approach your goal the pride will keep you doing more.

3) Start lifting weights. Girls CAN NOT grow their muscles very large. You just don't have enough natural testosterone to get big muscles. Period. Female bodybuilders take steroids. The thing to focus on is increasing the weight you move at regular intervals. For example, every week at another pound to each of your exercises. Do a routine 2 to 3 times a week, same as the cardio. When you gain muscle mass your metabolic rate will increase and you will burn more calories just breathing. Also, your body has a certain weight it is used to being at. If you gain muscle at the same time as you lose fat it will be less of a shock to your body and it will be easier to maintain. Plus, weight training will make your bones stronger and help prevent injury.

4) Eat healthy. You know exactly what that means but doing it is the hard part. Eat vegetables every day. If you don't like the taste then cover them in something like mustard or vinegar that has a strong flavor but no calories. Eat watery fruits. Eat lean meats like chicken. Etc. The important thing is to eat regularly, eat natural, and enjoy it.

There, you now have all the guidelines you need to achieve the body you want. It WILL take time. I'm serious. I've had a better body every year since I joined the military and every year I've still been a bit disappointed that it isn't as good as I want it to be. However, focus on your progress and on self improvement and you will enjoy the journey. If you focus on not being perfect you will only enter a cycle of failure and self loathing that will sabotage your progress.

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