August Diet Plan


Get on the Ball
The ultimate piece of belly-flab-busting equipment is a $30 stability ball. Researchers at California State University, Sacramento, found that stability ball exercises engaged twice as many muscle fibers as traditional crunches or yoga/Pilates-inspired workouts. Lie face up with calves resting on ball, arms at sides. Press legs into ball, squeezing it between calves and thighs. Contract abs and lift hips 3 to 6 inches off floor and pull knees toward chest. Hold for 1 second, then lower.

Sculpt Your Core While You Walk
As you go about your day, imagine there's a magnet pulling your belly button back toward your spine. Practice the tuck until it becomes comfortable, and soon this easy ab-engaging move will become like second nature.

Take Advantage of the Fresh Seafood
Salmon and other fatty fish are rich in the same omega-3 fatty acids as many belly- fat-busting foods. Try poaching your fish for a low-calorie way to enjoy this lean protein.

Guzzle More H20
Forget water weight: Drinking lots of water helps flush bloat that you might be holding onto in the heat. 

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