Just a lil too edgy

Been there for more than 3 months now.
No idea how can i stand that place for so long.
I remembered complaining about not being able to do anything in the first few days. Then continue training for the rest of the month. Then now tons of work going on and on.

No wonder seniors always say, enjoy your training period because you will miss it. Well, its true.

Now that i start the job. Its different.
I was a helpful person. I was a cheerful person. I was a never say NO person. I was always around.

Then recently I turned into a not so helpful person and will say NO more often then not always around whenever they need someone. I'm still cheerful by the way.

I was starting to be selfish. That's what I noticed. And I think people around me notice that I get annoyed if you ask too much things from me. Then they slowly back-off and do it their own or find someone else. I'm in a dilemma where one part of me think that its good and another part of me feels bad.

I know I can't continue saying YES and it will affect my work. For now, I'm already slow and helping others doesn't help me go any faster.

I'm selfish. I felt it. I feel bad but I want everyone to grow up and learn to deal with their work before they come and ask. I want a mature and self-help team members. I wish I can do more but that's not up to me.


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