Party Berbuka puasa
Had a nice buka puasa party @ Addy's place a few days ago.
I was craving for cooking basically. And so..
I asked permission from him to ..
Borrow me his house kitchen for me to cook. ^^
His mum is okay and we're off to his house.
Cooked this with help from Janice. ^^
Of course some of the dishes are from Addy's mum.
The best Kismis daging i had ever tasted. Yummy!!
I fried this simple and yummylicious rice.
It was squecky clean after that.
Bayam my favourite was washed by janice & prepared by me.
Top left is the kismis daging by Addy's mum. Really fantastic stuff.
Then the chicken wings comes from paulin & Addy. BOught from bazar ramadhan IP.
Top right is kicap ayam cooked by me. *proud*
Stirred fried tauhu..
A bit too tasteless la.
Sorry.. and will improve. I was puasa-ing hence i can't taste the stuffs.
A simple fishballs & eggs soup.
The kerabu left and kismis daging right.
Both from Addy's mum.
Superlicious stuff.