May Diet Plan

It's the time for May diet plan again.. 

Let's do this together~!!!!


Whirl Your Way Slim
Get outside and grab a Hula-Hoop. Turns out this 50’s playground fad is a fabulous waist slimmer—just ask Hula-Hooper Michelle Obama! Here’s how: Move only your midsection, keeping upper and lower body stable and rocking hips from side to side or front to back, not in a circle. The longer and more often you do it, the better the results.

Practice Perfect Posture
Heeding Mom's advice can make you look 5 pounds thinner (and your abs flatter) instantly. To straighten up, imagine a string tugging you from the top of your head toward the ceiling.

Add This Green Fruit to Your Diet
Just half an avocado contains 10 grams of MUFAs, which halt blood sugar spikes that tell your body to store fat around your belly. Eat these in ¼ cup servings to ward off belly fat without overdoing it.

Play Catch
Get into a crunch position—lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor, shoulders and head off the floor with your abs contracted. Then have someone throw an exercise ball (or basketball) to you—first to your left side so you have to twist and reach to catch it, and then to your right. Do this as many times as is comfortable, and try to increase the number each week.

Skip Your Daily Soda Habit
Where do you think all those bubbles from carbonated drinks end up? They gang up in your belly! Swap soda, diet soda, and seltzer for Sassy Water, a Flat Belly Diet staple beverage. Get the Sassy Water recipe here

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